• Fri, Jan 10
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大众汽车中国车厂停产, 芯片断供/美国制裁14名人大副委员长/SAIC Volkswagen and FAW-Volkswagen Ceased Production/王剑每日观察/20201207

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德国大众汽车在中国的两家合资车厂: 上汽大众和一汽大众12月初停产,原因是芯片断供。本期节目通过汽车芯片短缺造成的冲击分析中国经济的脆弱,一旦美国扩大制裁范围,中国核心产业将收重创。另外,美国今天宣布制裁中国14名人大副委员长,这是针对中国采取的最大规模的个人制裁。美国国会今天审议为香港人提供庇护的法案。
Two joint ventures of Volkswagen in China: SAIC Volkswagen and FAW-Volkswagen ceased production in early December 2020 due to a shortage of chips used in auto manufacturing. In this episode, I will analyze the fragility of China's economy. Once the United States expands the scope of sanctions, China's core industries will suffer heavy losses. Moreover, the United States announced sanctions on December 7, 2020 against 14 members of China’s National People’s Congress, the country’s rubber-stamp legislature, as the Trump administration tries to ratchet up pressure on Beijing over its crackdown on dissent in Hong Kong.

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About Kim Wong
30 Years of Professional Journalism Experience
Former Singtao Global Network CEO
Former MD of Singtao Overseas Editorial Center
Former Director of the China Desk of HK Economic Times

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